M9SYSTEM: Innovative communication technology that overcomes language barriers

M9SYSTEM is an innovative AI multilingual translation and lip-sync integrated system developed by M9 STUDIO Co., Ltd. brings a new dimension to global communication by fusing the world's highest level of multilingual AI translation capabilities with cutting-edge lip-sync technology

innovative technological advances

M9 STUDIO Co., Ltd. has made groundbreaking progress in the development of the AI ​​multilingual translation system "M9SYSTEM."

World's No.1 translation accuracy

M9SYSTEM has achieved the world's highest translation accuracy in Japanese multilingualization (according to our research). We deliver higher accuracy than our competitors for all text,

>Click here for details

multilingual lip sync

M9SYSTEM has succeeded in perfectly synchronizing translated speech and mouth movements. This technology has significantly improved the naturalness and persuasiveness of translated videos.

>Click here for details

Uniqueness of M9SYSTEM

Original video


Here we will introduce the translation quality of "M9SYSTEM" Click on the audio buttons below to listen to the audio in each language. In addition to converting from Japanese to multiple languages, as an optional service, we can also convert from foreign languages ​​such as English to Japanese .

Subtitles can also be set

As an optional service, you can add subtitles to match the audio By adding subtitles, you can increase the amount of information in your video and effectively convey more information to your viewers. Please use it widely for product explanations, corporate PR (product/service introductions), etc.

M9SYSTEM is the only system that fully integrates:

  • World's highest level of translation accuracy
  • High quality voice translation
  • Cutting edge lip sync technology

With this integration, M9SYSTEM sets new standards in multilingual communication and revolutionizes global business and cultural exchange.

World's No.1 translation accuracy + lip sync technology

The core of M9SYSTEM is a highly accurate translation engine that supports languages ​​in over 50 countries, and lip-sync technology that is fully synchronized with it . This integration creates a truly natural communication experience that goes beyond mere word substitution.

Excellence in multilingual translation

M9SYSTEM's translation system uniquely optimizes the latest deep learning models and large-scale language models (LLM) to significantly improve context understanding ability and naturalness of expression. The latest model of Google's Vertex AI, Gemini EX, achieved an average accuracy of 95%, boasting the highest level of translation accuracy in the industry.

This advanced translation ability supports a wide range of applications, from general conversations to specialized academic papers, and provides accurate and natural translations using specialized terminology dictionaries and context-understanding algorithms. Furthermore, it is possible to appropriately translate idioms and cultural nuances specific to each language area.

Innovative integration with lip sync technology

M9SYSTEM's true innovation lies in its complete integration of high-precision translation and lip-sync technology. Using industry-leading machine learning algorithms and voice analysis technology, we were able to perfectly synchronize highly translated speech and mouth movements .

This technology completely eliminates the sense of incongruity seen in conventional dubbed videos, creating a natural video translation that feels as if the person is speaking in the original language. Even long sentences or complex sentence structures can be lip-synced without compromising the speaker's facial expressions or emotional expression.

What is lip sync?

Lip Sync is an abbreviation for "Lip Synchronization," and refers to a technology that accurately matches the voice or utterances with the speaker's lip and mouth movements. Traditionally, this technology has been primarily used for dubbing movies and animations, creating characters for video games, etc.

[Note] The above video is not based on the "multilingual lip sync" technology explained on this page, but is a version of lip sync using an AI avatar. However, it is included as a sample to show that mouth movements can be matched in the same way in video translation

Multilingualization from Japanese, highest translation accuracy in the world

M9SYSTEM is equipped with many innovative features that set it apart from other translation tools. What is noteworthy is the high level of translation accuracy. Below, we compared the translation accuracy of the main translation tools and the "M9SYSTEM" system

2024|M9 STUDIO Co., Ltd. research

Technology overview

World's highest level of translation accuracy 

The translation engine that is the core of M9SYSTEM was developed by bringing together the latest AI technology.

  • Achieved average accuracy of 95% in evaluation by Vertex AI's Gemini EX
  • Outperforms other major tools such as HeyGen

Compatible with diverse content 

We provide comprehensive translation solutions that support not only text but also multimedia content.

  • Video translation: Natural multilingualization that takes advantage of the original video audio
  • Audio translation: Make podcasts and lectures multilingual
  • Text translation: localize documents, websites, apps, etc.
  • Supported data formats: MP4, AVI, MOV, WebM, FLV (video), and other text/audio formats

Multilingual support 

We provide a wide range of language support to enable global communication.

  • Supports languages ​​in over 50 countries
  • Main languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Spanish, etc.
  • Supports rare languages

Highly customizable 

It has the flexibility to respond flexibly to the specific needs of each industry and company.

  • Flexible support for industry-specific terminology
  • It is possible to create a company-specific terminology dictionary.

Real-time translation technology (currently under development)

It strongly supports multilingual communication in situations where immediacy is required.

  • Simultaneous interpretation in video conferencing
  • Real-time translation at international conferences
  • Smooth support for business negotiations

AR/VR integrated translation function (currently under development)

We integrate cutting-edge AR/VR technology and translation systems to provide an innovative multilingual communication experience.

  • AR + real-time visual translation overlay
  • Multilingual simultaneous interpretation and subtitle display in VR space
  • AR multilingual guide function at tourist spots and museums
  • Multilingual real-time communication support in VR conference room

Innovative features enable a wide range of applications

M9SYSTEM provides various innovative functions based on its advanced technology.

  1. Perfect audio-visual integration : Translated speech and mouth movements are perfectly synchronized for seamless, natural communication.
  2. Retaining cultural nuances : We provide translations that take into account cultural backgrounds and emotional expressions, rather than simply replacing words, and appropriately reflect non-verbal communication.
  3. Multimodal processing ability : Analyzes information in different formats such as text, audio, images, and videos in an integrated manner, enabling deeper semantic understanding and appropriate translation.

With these features, M9SYSTEM is expected to find innovative applications in a wide range of fields, including:

  • Entertainment industry : high-quality multilingual localization of movies and anime
  • Education : New forms of language learning tools that facilitate simultaneous language and cultural learning
  • Business environment : Realizing natural international video conferencing without language barriers
  • Realizing an inclusive society : Highly accurate colloquial reading support for the hearing impaired
  • Global marketing : Creation of multilingual content using AI-generated characters

Innovative solutions brought to you by M9SYSTEM

M9 STUDIO aims to further evolve M9SYSTEM and achieve complete language conversion in real time. In the future, we are working on developing technology that makes it appear as if the conversation is natural in the other person's native language, no matter what language they are speaking.

High reputation from the industry

M9SYSTEM has the potential to bring innovation to various fields. We will introduce some of them below.

  1. Developments in the field of education Enable global knowledge sharing and expand learning opportunities.
    • Free translation of MIT teaching materials into Japanese (soon to be released)
    • Providing AI translation engines and services specialized in education
  2. Regional revitalization support We support the globalization of local governments and the development of the tourism industry.
    • Translation services that can be implemented in PR activities of local governments nationwide
    • Providing multilingual information to promote inbound tourism

Our multilingual tool "M9SYSTEM" combines the latest AI technology and expertise to achieve natural and accurate translations in any industry or field. Even news and videos in highly specialized fields that are generally difficult to translate can be translated correctly using our unique system

" M9SYSTEM " not only accelerates the global expansion of companies, but also delivers unparalleled high-quality translation in terms of technical terms and understanding of context.

Selected for Google Startup Program

was selected for Google and AWS startup programs in 2024 due to its innovative technology and development capabilities

  • Selected for Google Startup Cloud Program (2024)
  • Selected for AWS Startup Program (2024)

Various usage scenes of M9SYSTEM

M9SYSTEM provides a variety of services that can be used in a variety of fields. Communication that transcends language barriers plays an important role in all aspects of society, from business to education to public services.

we will introduce specific usage examples of how M9SYSTEM will transform our daily lives and business scenes

1. Utilization in the business field

Global conference/business negotiation support

  • Real-time interpretation : Realize simultaneous interpretation at international conferences and online meetings. Instantly provide translation between up to 50 languages, enabling smooth communication.
  • Business document translation : Translate highly specialized documents such as contracts, proposals, and financial reports with high accuracy. Accurately corresponds to legal and financial terminology.

Marketing/PR activities

  • Multilingual content creation : Deploy product descriptions, press releases, and advertising copy in multiple languages. We provide translations that resonate with local markets, taking into account cultural nuances.
  • Automatic translation of SNS posts : Automatically translate posts from corporate SNS accounts into multiple languages. Drive global customer engagement.

In today's increasingly globalized business environment, multilingual communication is becoming increasingly important. M9SYSTEM removes language barriers in international business settings and enables smooth communication.

2. Media Entertainment

Localization of video content

  • Subtitles and dubbing for movies and dramas : Provides high-quality automatic subtitle generation and natural dubbing that preserves the individuality of the speaker.
  • Multilingual live streaming : Real-time multilingual subtitles for e-sports broadcasts and live events.


  • Instant translation of news articles : Instantly translate news from around the world into multiple languages ​​and facilitate global information access.
  • Efficient translation of books : Significantly streamlines the process of translating professional books and literary works. Support translators' work and reduce time to publication.

3. Education/Research field

Global education support

  • Multilingualization of online courses : Providing high-quality educational content in multiple languages ​​to learners around the world.
  • Japanese translation of MIT Open Courseware : With permission from MIT, world-class educational content will be translated into Japanese for free (coming soon).

Internationalization of research activities

  • Multilingual translation of papers : Quickly translate the latest research results into multiple languages ​​and promote international academic exchange.
  • Interpretation support for international conferences : Interpret presentations and Q&As at academic conferences in real time, enabling discussions that transcend language barriers.

4. Public services and regional development

Multilingual support for administrative services

  • Multilingualization of local government websites : From Hokkaido to Okinawa, local government information from all over the country is provided in multiple languages ​​to strengthen support for foreign residents.
  • Instant translation of disaster information : Providing important emergency information in multiple languages ​​in real time to ensure the safety of foreigners.

Revitalizing the tourism industry

  • Multilingual tourist information : In conjunction with AR technology, tourist spots and menus are translated in real time. Improving the inbound tourist experience.
  • Multilingualization of regional PR videos : Multilingualize video content that conveys the charm of a region to the world using natural speakers' voices.

>Click here for details

5. Personal services

Daily conversation support

  • Interpretation app for travelers : Supports communication when traveling abroad. Can also be used offline.
  • Multilingual chatbot : Supports daily questions and simple conversations in over 50 languages.

language learning support

  • AI Tutor : Provides an interactive language learning environment tailored to each individual's learning progress.
  • Real-time pronunciation feedback : Analyzes learner's pronunciation in real time and advises areas for improvement.

These diverse usage scenarios demonstrate M9SYSTEM's advanced technological capabilities and flexibility. By removing language barriers, we facilitate global communication and open new possibilities in all fields, including business, education, and cultural exchange.

Future initiatives

M9SYSTEM's innovative technology has the potential to fundamentally change the way global communication works and foster true mutual understanding that transcends language and cultural differences. Through M9SYSTEM, M9 STUDIO aims to connect the world through the power of technology and contribute to the realization of a richer and more inclusive society.

Free communication that transcends language barriers can have a wide range of impacts on society, such as promoting international understanding, increasing the efficiency of global business, and revitalizing cultural exchange. M9SYSTEM is the innovative technology that will unlock the door to this new era of communication.


M9SYSTEM © 2024 M9 STUDIO Inc., M9 STUDIO Inc. All rights reserved.